Book One
Chapter 5


Before reading the chapter, number your paragraphs 1-4.

CHAPTER FIVE: We Have Cause to Be Uneasy

Paragraph 1:
When some people hear you speak about religion, what do they claim you are doing? (It involves the analogy of the clock.)

Paragraph 2:
Some people act like it is bad to set the clock of time back or it is bad if we do not go along with progress. How does Lewis respond to that?

is turning around necessarily bad whenever you are trying to progress?

According to Lewis and Tolkien WW1 and WW2 show that it is time to set the clock back or to rethink our starting point because the evolutionary concept which controlled the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries has failed us miserably.

Paragraph 3: Lewis continues to deal with the snobbish attitude that if you talk about God, then you are engaging in religious jaw; however, he assures us that at this stage, it is still too early to be talking about the God of the Bible or of any other religion. He will get to that later.

What are the 2 bits of evidence about this Somebody behind the universe and what do the 2 pieces of evidence at least show us about this Somebody or possibly could show us? "One is the ____________ He has made." What could this thing tell us about God?

Now regarding the second piece of evidence. "The other bit of evidence is that ___________ _________ which He has put into our minds."

Which piece of evidence gives us better information about God, the universe or the Moral Law? Why?

What does the Moral Law tell us about this Someone/God behind the universe? "the Being behind the universe is intensely interested in _____________ _____________."

Some will jump the gun and say that God is "good." By "good" they mean that God is indulgent, soft, or sympathetic. Does the Law of Human Nature show us that God is good in this sense of the word? In other words, if the Law of Human Nature is right, is God indulgent, soft, or sympathetic? What is He then?

Up to this point has Lewis proved that God is a Person, that He is a Personal God?

Why can't you jump the gun and say that this God is a forgiving God?

If God is not a person, if He is just pure Mind, then it is ridiculous to ask Him to forgive, just like it would be impossible to ask the Multiplication Table to excuse you whenever you multiply wrongly.

Lewis claims that we face a serious quandary. First, we want there to be an absolutely good Mind/Person behind the Law of Human Nature. We want to join in the fight against greed, hatred, etc. On the other hand, how do we want this Absolute Goodness to look at us whenever we mess up?

Second, the main problem is that if Absolute Goodness is behind the universe, then we are its enemies. Why are we its enemies?

Paragraph 4:
According to Lewis Christianity now makes sense if you understand the predicament we're in. First, we have a Being who is Absolutely Good. Second, we have not been good enough. In fact, we have so reacted against that Being who is Absolutely Good that we are actually His enemies. According to Lewis when "does Christianity begin to talk" to us?

When do you listen to a doctor?

In the same way when is the only time you will listen to Christianity?

What explanations do Christians offer whenever we are ready to listen?

When does Christianity begin to comfort people?

When you look for comfort, do you find it?

What do you get whenever you look for comfort?

What is the best way to look for comfort?